Yin Yoga is my favourite because it relaxes me so much. I always feel so good after a yin work out. During a yin yoga session you hold poses for longer, to begin with 1–3 minutes. While most yang styles of yoga move quickly and focus on muscle tissues, yin yoga moves slowly and stretches more deeply into the body. Yin yoga is performed sitting or lying down which is great for me due to CFS and POTs. I was advised to exercise as much as possible to manage the POTs but in the very beginning I wasn’t able to do any exercise whatsoever. Thanks to some thyroxine I was prescribed by a private endocrinologist I am now able to do some exercise. Wahey! I was diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism. This is a positive thing, because there is obvious treatment for that unlike CFS/ME.
Yin yoga is about finding your edge and then remaining still for several minutes. By achieving a meditative state, you’re better able to listen to your body and honour your limits. Being still is critical to your yin yoga practice.