Liz Kate
1 min readApr 17, 2024


I told myself I would write morning pages daily but I’ve not kept it up. So I decided today to write here on my blog instead.

I’m in one of my favourite cafes enjoying a chai latte. Soon I’m having a full body massage. I really need it as my back is achy. I did something to it many weeks ago in a yoga class and it hasnt been right since. I have been going to chiropractor regularly and although it seems to help I still get issues. It feels better with movement such as walking rather than sitting around. It’s been frustrating me. I’ve spent a lot of money to chiropractor and it still isn’t fixed. I hadn’t been to a chiropractor for years as I’d been okay. The chiropractor I’m seeing is actually a physio as well which is really good as he is combining the two. He has given me a couple of exercises to do.



Liz Kate

Elizabeth is a full time Mum and an Author who also enjoys yoga. She lives at home in West Sussex with her 11yr old son Matthew and her cat Lucy.