So I’m out for a late breakfast in one of my favourite cafes…
a croissant (cheating on wheat) and a lemon and ginger tea (healthy!).
I have a bad cold although I am pleased to say I’m feeling a bit better today. It started with a dry throat Saturday and now it’s Wednesday. With any luck I’ll feel well enough to go out at the weekend with my friends.
I’ve brought a book to read as I’ve recently joined a book club. I don’t read much yet I have a lot of books. Mostly non fiction actually and a few novels. I want to get back into reading more, and writing. I hadn’t felt in the flow to write but today I actually do feel like writing. I haven’t had a bug this bad in such a long time. I used to catch all the bugs off my son every winter but then last year I didn’t catch a thing! I thought, well I must be doing something right with my health. I do take a variety of herbs and supplements. At the moment I’m taking zinc. I was actually deficient in it as my herbalist tested me.
I’d not long got over a UTI before catching this nasty cold. So unfair after feeling so much healthier for a long period of time.
Anyway, I have decided to get a water filter. I used to have one but not thought about it for ages until someone I know mentioned there is a lot of crap in our water! Chemicals, hormones, and plastic!
So perhaps my health will improve just simply by using a water filter!